Monday, February 25, 2013

Paths we tread and then dread....

Often we find life in disdainful hurry hurtling into abyss of rudderless  sojourns ; merging into intersections where the basic tenets of existence are trampled and slighted, and capped with remorseless empowerment. During such shameful passages, the remnants of virtuous conscience often looks the other way as if conveying a message of helplessness. The sheepish clutches of intemperance and inner lawlessness continue to shred the soul into fragments never to be stitched again. The shameless thrills one derives from such lows are appalling at the least. Yep Self destruction in auto-pilot mode. And when the realization comes, life is already in the caskets and being prepared for the final burial. The guilt ridden soul scared to take that long road to hell often looks for a cleansing agent or a quick-strike catharsis that would purge them from all the excesses they may have once vaingloriously indulged in. Frequent trips to the local tombs and temples become the norm that for most part used to be an exception. The holy yet nervous chants seldom reach the metaphysical realms and even if they miraculously do they face rejection.

Life present all kinds of vicissitudes, the path one takes to trot on it makes all the difference. If you tread on Intemperance, you also had the option to embrace self control, if you opted for violence, peaceful offerings were right there, you just did not acknowledge it. Be it spiritual forbearing, ill-upbringing  or bad company, the dark traits often reign supreme resulting in cerebral transgressions that eventually snowball into one incurable hemorrhoid forcing life to operate in a vacuum.

The narrative above is a feeble attempt to acknowledge the excesses we indulge in our daily tribulations and the need for recursive ponderance to ensure checks and balances quintessential for conscience regulation that will keep the hegemonic vices from taking over. A constant reminder is requisite that there is still time before the life goes into those dreaded caskets. Amen!!!!

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