Friday, February 22, 2013

Irate, Berate...sigh - Emirate!!!

So my worst experience till date was traveling Al Italia, Believe It or Not - Emirates just narrowly missed out . And no this is no one-time-all-hell-break-loose kinda experience. This is a chronic malaise drilled into each nook and cranny of the Economy Class seating and unless there is an architectural reorientation or "enlargement" of seats - this one is a malaise-soon-turning-into-epidemic. And yes the Emirates website fools you like no other, the fancy pics of bar lounges, spas for women etc is all hogwash as it means nothing to Economy class folks. In fact I was shocked to see even the business class seats on the narrower side. Trust me the United/Continentals seats and leg space while not absolutely comfortable is still lot better than Emirates.

So I got lucky at check-in where the south-east asian lady agreed to do a free check-in of my carry on - could not thank her enough including a full bend forward Japanese style - "Domo Arigato" and lucky because everyone else were being asked to pay out 50$ or so.

That on top of the world feeling was short-lived after boarding the flight - the seats were atrociously cramped. The arm-rest was literally a thin strip of real-estate perhaps intentionally made for two folks to have a jostling bout on who can capture that elusive territory - may be a creative pitch to while those 13 hours away. The much hyped up food was a major letdown on the first leg from DC to Dubai - Unsalted Vegetable Biryani with rice and vegetables felt like were "separated for ages" literally. The cold sandwich as a go-between was ok and the breakfast before the landing of cheese omelet was blandly tasteless. They had thick boiled potatoes sprinkled over the omelet with a siding of spinach tucked in the corner. Gave spinach the cold shoulder which it thoroughly deserved. Besides the constant gas emissions from foods rotting in people's stomachs felt like a close brush with Gas Chambers of Auschwitz ...that was for the Jews this was for everyone flying - result was the same - a near genocide. So folks who were raving about Emirates food were either fooling around or perhaps have rather awful taste esp when it comes to food. Like I said this was no one-time fluke my wife who traveled 3 weeks earlier had a similar experience.

So much for the first leg to Dubai. Dubai itself is a melting pot of Duty-Free shoppers who have a single motive in life before take off and that is to grab whatever they can from Dubai - Pears soap (yes you heard it right), dry fruits, Chocolates - The same Lindt chocs that you get at Costco for 10$ comes for 20$ at DXB with a compelling tag - Duty Free. Burger King joint I must say had a better selection than the ones we find in US. The airport is more like a shopping mall that also by the way allows for takeoffs and landings...the 2 and a half hour lay over was awful after a 13 hour long flight. Second leg was another 2 and a half hour roller coaster with really uncomfy seats but a more decent menu selection with chicken tikka masalas, lamb rogan josh with phirni as a dessert. The last 5 hours of the journey turned out to be extremely exhausting.

Where Emirates scores is with its ICE Entertainment system with a larger selection of everything from movies to music to tele-shows. My entertainment system broke midway through the flight but luckily I saw Avengers and Agneepath and watched Act of Valour with a section of the screen blocked out from a text - There seems to be a problem with your audio - We are trying to reset it" .

They also have a better selection in juices and drinks and the wines are complimentary. May be they have a hidden agenda - Wine will make you forget everything including our horribly squeezed out seats and unceremonious menu selection that tastes awful bland.

So my personal takeaways from this DC-Dubai-Delhi leg is:

Pros: - Eye-pleasing flight attendants (but I will still take the old grumpy stewardesses from United any day just for more comfortable seats and better leg space and a less tiring journey) - Better variety of juices and complimentary drinks - Excellent ICE entertainment system

Cons: - Horrible food for most part - The crammed seats kills the whole mood - 5 hour second leg of the journey from DBX to DEL is over-exhausting esp after a 13 hour ordeal. Would rather take the 14 hour nonstop that United offers as it is less exhausting. - Morning takeoff is odd as you mostly stay awake for most of your journey since your body is still doing US-time. I hardly had an hour of sleep if that. Bottomline - I am done with Emirates unless...unless...there are some throwaway deals that might outweigh everything.

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